


/Soil Mechanics
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Soil Mechanics

13 modules


Access for 90 days


"If a builder builds a house for a man and does not make its construction firm, and the house which he has built collapses  and causes the death of the owner of the house, that builder shall be put to death."
The Code of Hammurabi, Babylon, Circa 2000 B.C.

"2600 People die every year due to Building collapse."
Disaster Management of India

Engineering is, foremost, about solving the real problems not only questions in your exams.


Soil - (for Civil Engineers) an uncemented aggregate of mineral grains and decayed organic matter (solid particles) with liquid and gas in the empty spaces between the solid particles.

Soil Mechanics - is the branch of science that deals with the study of the physical properties of soil and the behaviour of soil masses subjected to various types of forces.

Soils Engineering - is the application of the principles of soil mechanics to practical problems.

Geotechnical Engineering is the subdiscipline of civil engineering that involves natural materials found close to the surface of the earth. It includes the application
of the principles of soil mechanics and rock mechanics to the design of foundations, retaining structures, and earth structures.


  • Topics are taught thoroughly and systematically to clarify the basic concepts and fundamental principles without weakening technical hardship.
  • Many example problems are solved to demonstrate or to provide further insights into the basic concepts and applications of fundamental principles.
  • The solution of each example is preceded by a strategy, which is intended to teach students to think about possible solutions to a problem before they begin to solve it. Each solution provides a step-by-step procedure to guide the student in problem-solving which really help students for university examinations and for the conventional exam like ESE (Engineering Services Examinations).


  • To understand the physical and mechanical properties of soils.
  • To determine parameters from soil testing to characterize soil properties, soil strength, and soil deformations.
  • To apply the principles of soil mechanics to analyze and design simple geotechnical systems.

When you complete this video course you should be able to:

  • Describe soils and determine their physical characteristics such as grain size, water content, and void ratio.
  • Classify soils.
  • Determine compaction of soils.
  • Understand the importance of soil investigations and be able to plan a soil investigation.
  • Understand the concept of effective stress.
  • Determine total and effective stresses and porewater pressures.
  • Determine soil permeability.
  • Understand the effects of seepage on the stability of structures.
  • Determine how surface stresses are distributed within a soil mass.
  • Specify, conduct, and interpret soil tests to characterize soils.
  • Understand the stress-strain behaviour of soils.
  • Understand popular failure criteria for soils and their limitations.
  • Determine soil strength and deformation parameters from soil tests, for example, Young’s modulus,
  • friction angle, and undrained shear strength.
  • Discriminate between “drained” and “undrained” conditions. 


Course Overview


Introduction to Soil Mechanics

1 attachment • 24.99 mins

01 Introduction to Soil Mechanics

Basic Definitions and Relationships

4 attachments • 2 hrs

02 Three Phase Diagram and Basic Definitions

03 Relationships between soil constituents with Examples

04 Determine Water Content and Specific Gravity

05 Determine Unit Weight

Index Properties

6 attachments • 3 hrs

06 Sieve and Sedimentation Analysis

07 Pipette and Hydrometer Method

08 Particles Size Distribution Curve

09 Determination of Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit

10 Determination of Shrinkage Limit and Shrinkage Parameters

11 Activity, Sensitivity and Thixotropy of Clay

Soil Classification

2 attachments • 1 hrs

12 Textural and Highway Research Board Classification

13 Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy

1 attachment • 24.99 mins

14 Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy

Permeability and Well Hydraulics

7 attachments • 3 hrs

15 Basic of Permeability

16 Laboratory Test of Permeability

17 Indirect Method of Permeability, Flow Parallel and Normal to Soil Layers

18 Factors Affecting Permeability

19 Introduction to Well Hydraulics

20 Pumping Out Permeability Test

21 Pumping In Permeability Test

Seepage Analysis

6 attachments • 3 hrs

22 Seepage Pressure and Laplace Equation

23 Flow Net

24 Determination of Seepage Discharge

25 Seepage through Non-homogeneous Soils and Earth Dams

26 Seepage through Earth Dams With Example

27 Filter Design

Stress-Strain and Effective Stress

5 attachments • 3 hrs

28 Stress-Strain and Modulus of Elasticity of Soil

29 Principle of Effective Stress

30 Effect of Water Table Fluctuation on Effective Stress

31 Effect of Surcharge and Capillary Rise in Soil

32 Effect of Seepage

Stress Distribution in Soil

4 attachments • 2 hrs

33 Principal Stresses

34 Vertical Stresses due to Point Load

35 Vertical Stresses due to Line Load, Strip Load, Embankment Load and Circular Load

36 Rectangular Load and Newmark's Influence Chart

Compaction of Soil

2 attachments

37 Compaction of Soil Part 1

38 Compaction of Soil Part 2

Compressibility and Consolidation

2 attachments

Consolidation Part 1

Consolidation Part 2

Shear Strength

8 attachments • 54.24 mins

Shear Strength 1

Shear Strength 3

Shear Strength 4

Shear Strength 5

Shear Strength 6

Shear Strength 7

Shear Strength 8

Shear Strength 9

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